Friday, 1 May 2015

The Feeling Ill Starter Pack

Uhm the last couple of days i wasnt really feeling good thats what inspired me to write this
post. A lot of people claim they are sick but really they arent, like that guy conviniently
develops glycoma its a lie he just wants weed. But really there are some things you would
require when youre not really feeling good and im going to breifly talk about them.

1 A Blanket

A blanket, wrapper or duvet is very essential in times like this. Even if you dont have a bed
you need a blanket if you have a cold, malaria a broken arm you just need a blanket.

2 Juice

Its an unwritten rule, juice is the cure to all sicknesses.
You have to get juice also because you probably wont be able to eat and it wil taste even sweeter.

3 A Laptop

You need a laptop or mobile device to get online, communicate and do stuff. Mostly stuff.

4 Tissues

People under estimate the value of tissues but tissues are so important you dont know when
you would actually need it, you could have a wound, a running nose or a fever.
Most importantly if you meet this new chick your vibing with and you need a place to put
down her number or something.
(Uhn! this actually happens more frequntly than you actually think.) #TrueStory

Things you actually don't need

Drugs: It probably wont do much or would make weaker before any signs of improvement.
Just avoid them.

Food: Its possibly just going to make you throw up, tired, heavy and make you sleepy.

Peoples Advice: People just give random advice with intentions of helping you get better.
but must of it is just bull and would not help you in anyway.

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