Tuesday 26 November 2013

Is Random Really Random?

My friends and I were talking a while back and we were trying to randomly say words has fast as we could, and don't gimme that face i didn't come up with it and we were bored anyways, after a while we began talking about how the words weren't really random since something would trigger the word in your brain, like a picture, a movie, a recent memory basically its not totally random since you thought of it as a result of something else.

After my friends left this got me thinking, if randomness means having no pattern then nothing in this world is really random, everything happens as a result of something else and after a series of events patterns form so in truth nothing is random. If you type 20 letters without thinking you unknowingly formed a pattern for picking the letters no matter how you try not to.

So in the end i guess the thoughts i post here are not random after all but I'll still keep the name though.

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