Saturday 9 January 2016


It feels like forever since I put up anything here. I don't know what's been wrong with me, recently I've thought a lot about things I should do and I don't end up doing them. I know right that doesn't sound all that weird I mean life happens and the likes but I don't think that's the case it has just been too frequent and I think its been affecting me. I'm quite sure its reaching things I know I would normally do, things that are beneficial and won't take much effort but I end up not doing them anyway. 
Especially with my writing, I'll come up with titles, create a frame work in my mind that excite me then it stops there nothing else. On a good day I'll just come across a very intriguing nuance or just a situation that inspires me, then I'll actually start a draft then just stop for no particular reason, lose interest or lose where I was writing it entirely then not bother to continue at all. 
You know how they say acceptance is the first step to recovery, I think I've gotten there and I want more than anything to just move forward and escape whatever it is that's causing me to feel how I'm feeling at the moment. I know forcing myself to write may not necessarily be the solution but it's a part of it, so why the hell not.
I feel this is the point where I challenge myself to do something in an affirmative manner then some music/song comes up in the background preferably Eye Of The Tiger, so I can go up and down a staircase and what not (yes that's some how relevant) but I'm not going to exactly. But I will encourage me to write more. 

By the way Happy New Year.

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