Saturday 27 July 2013

Common Sense:- The Misconception

      What exactly is common sense? People refer to it like its some basic unit of knowledge that everyone that is mentally healthy is meant to have, but at the same time people keep complaining about how everyone around them lacks "common sense" but seriously if that many people lack it then its no longer common is it, people put too much of an expectation on common sense i think if most people really don't have it the common in front of the sense wouldn't be there so it would just be called sense. I think the people who came up with the concept of common sense didn't expect too much of it, they probably referred to is as what everyone instinctively knows to do like not walking into a wall or not putting food in your nose or playing with snakes (though some people do it for a reason i do not know seriously i hate those things), and if it exceeds the boundary of instinctive knowledge it should no longer be called common sense but just well plain old sense.

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