Wednesday 31 July 2013

MTN- The Cry Of A Nation

    Mtn is the most widely used telecommunication network in Nigeria and also the most hated, everywhere I turn there's someone complaining about Mtn myself included and Mtn is second only to PHCN(or NEPA as some people still call them) in the most cursed company rankings, but what puzzles me is the fact that no matter the amount of complains and curses people have rained on Mtn they still remain the top network and the same customers who complain refuse to change to other networks, but its not like Mtn is the worst network or anything because there's actually no network people don't complain about, a friend of mine once told me he was loving the Etisalat line and that i should consider changing to the network, but some weeks later that same friend was in fumes over Etisalat apparently charging too much money for a small amount of browsing time and he said he was considering leaving the network.
     So generally no network is perfect and if movies depict the actual nature of American telephone networks then they probably have it way worse than us because every time something bad is about to happen that's when there's no phone signal and judging from the number of movies I've watched (which is a lot) it happens almost every time but those were just movies, or maybe the Mtn people have jazz that they're using to control people and stop us from switching because I once bought an Etisalat Sim and on the day i
wanted to get it registered it mysteriously vanished, or maybe their company's major prayer is "Lord turn every curse into a blessing for us in Jesus name", that would explain it.

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