Sunday 8 September 2013

Beyond 'reasonable' doubt


  So it seems that nowadays people don't care for ideals as they ought to but rather lean upon the conventions stipulated by society when doing things. At random, comparing the two, it would appear that following convention is "safer" but then again, wouldn't you rather take calm of conscience over self preservation? (don't answer that). But really though come to think of it, why would someone indulge in something he/she knows makes no sense to said person just because over time it has been done by many and subtly become accepted in certain circles? maybe to "blend in"? Thing is you WILL blend in, with that circle of individuals that find it ok but in actuality you stand out where normal and mentally sound people are, as a person whose folly is distinguished. Enough with the overly articulate grammar, let's get down to the truth, why would a "plus sized" babe with excessive adipose tissue wear clothes that were obviously intended for the petite, all to try and look hot because the petite look hot in such kinds of clothes? then she ends up looking like a ripped stuffed animal that was sewn back but with not enough thread to hold all the stuffing in place, and subsequently she claims to have had her feelings hurt when peeps crossed to the other side of the road she was walking along and giggled as she passed by. why? why do that to yourself? did she think the disgust induced by such buffoonery would be converted into joy and gladness? i think not. Not to be overly lengthy, all i actually want to pass across yourself! but be reasonable while at it.


1 comment:

  1. UCHEYA TO MUCH ENGLISH ,we sabi say u go school:0
