Wednesday 4 September 2013

Law Abiding Citizen

  Today we were informed about some new ''rules'', its not like this is the first time, heck new rules come up whenever the management feels we're getting too comfortable with the existing rules they decide to come up with new rules to make our lives more difficult. As announced, from now on we are not allowed to wear shorts for some reason only known to them which would probably make absolutely no sense, they now expect us to wear trousers to the sports complex then change to shorts to play then after we change back? Soon we'll all have to wear tuxedos to sleep.
    They also announced that there should be no more interaction between members of the opposite sex as from 7pm, and some classes end by 7pm some by 8, so basically as soon as its 7pm and we're walking back from lectures, girls and guys must not talk, we should probably walk on opposite sides of the road. If they didn't want members of opposite sex to interact then they shouldn't have made the school co-ed, it could have been the first only male university or only female whichever, and maybe soon we'll only be allowed to stand at a certain distance from a girl, like a general restraining order, but its not like it affects me or anything (no parols) but it still annoys me sha.
      My school has so many rules that you can't even be sure if you breaking a rule or not. I was bored once and decided to flip through the handbook and i saw some strange rules, pinching isn't allowed and it attracts a punishment, also gossiping isn't allowed(someone should inform the girls) so if you have gist keep it to yourself and also you're not allowed to sexually harass or be harassed by anyone, so basically it implies that both the harasser and the harassed will be punished (so pray no one harasses you cuz you'll also be punished).

      In my years in this school it has been called a lot of names, prison being the most common after glorified secondary school and others like zoo and even glorified primary school. A lecturer once asked for my zoo number(he was referring to my matric number), so basically even a lecturer saw the school as a zoo and we the students as animals, not like its far from that kind of system since its like we're in cages and we're being fed bullshit. Don't get me wrong the school has its good parts i might mention those very few aspects later, for right now I'm a law abiding citizen there's no use fighting the system because you'll lose, no matter how much you complain you'll still end up obeying anyways unless you want your graduation to come early and it doesn't take much for you to get expelled so just endure gain what you can and leave.

P.S. I'm in a university in case you forgot or are not just sure it can be a university, well it is.

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