Friday 16 August 2013

Laptop Wars


      As university students it is very necessary to have laptops and its even more necessary for students studying science related courses and ever since i started my time in Covenant university it has been a battle of who has the best laptop between my coursemates, my laptops have always been average so i'm never in the running for the ranks, over the years we've seen a wide range of laptop specs with Hp, Dell and Sony spending the most time at the top of the Laptop ladder of awesomeness. The current Laptop King in my course is Austin, a guy who had a dream to be second to none on the ranks (in my course at least), to the best of my knowledge his first laptop was even below average but in our second year he got a Sony Vaio and was crowned King for the first time he had a coronation and everything the whole nine yards and after a while Oke bought the laptop from him making him the new King, Oke later bought another laptop from Austin to claim the throne again for a short time then Austin always came with a better laptop then sold that then bought another and the cycle continues.
 Austin recently resumed school with a Lenovo U410 Ideapad with a rating of 7.2, the specs are off the chain and right now no one comes close and it seems he'll be King for a while again unless Oke buys his laptop from him again or Chima who wants to get a new laptop buys one better though i doubt it, the only other person who wants to get a new laptop is Prince but he's a lost cause when it comes to the Laptop war. At a time my favorite Laptop in my course was the Hp Envy owned by Ay it wasn't the best but it was close and way cooler(maybe cuz its touch screen everyone loves touchscreens). I recently traded in my 3 year old rickety laptop that  had so many problems a 750 words essay wouldn't be enough to explain them all for a new Lenovo with a rating of 5.0, not bad but still far from good enough, well i was never a threat to begin with but one thing that puzzles me is that with the amount of Laptops i've seen come and go in my course how come no one as bought a Mac. Anyways this war is far from over and the title will probably change hands a few times more before we graduate and you never know maybe i will be crowned King one day.
P.S- My course is Computer Engineering so our laptop obsession should be understandable.


  1. your story is cool.... :)

  2. lol...I ope d characters in this story are fictional?

  3. you guys are so bored in your school that u don't know anything else to than compare, seriously u guys need a life oor better yet a girlfriend.

    1. Comparing laptops doesn't equal no life, its just something we do for fun and how long does it take to check laptop specs its not like it takes hrs or anything

  4. what if we aren't fictional @josh
