Thursday 22 August 2013

A Serious Case of Apathy

   For as long as i have known myself, I've always had a lot of different hobbies but I've always also lost interest in most of my hobbies, sometimes at a shocking rate. I could love doing something today and it'll be like i'll never want to stop, but then sometimes as short as a week later i lose interest in it completely. Sometimes i feel it happens to everyone but then i take a look at my friends and i notice that their main hobbies don't change, but i can't categorically tell you my hobbies because they always change, even my love for movies and video games has dropped over the years, and back in the day i could go 12 hours straight or even more either gaming or watching movies, but now the game or movie must be really interesting to get me interested.
        And its not restricted to just entertainment alone, back in the day i used to care about my school work and getting good grades and all but now I'm comfortable just maintaining a constant level, i probably only go for lectures because my parents paid for it and i need to listen because i hate reading, and also definitely because we need a 75% attendance to write exams.
At the beginning of every semester i always talk about how I'll try my best to read regularly but i always end up reading just before tests and exams, i would just say i hate reading, it is incredibly boring its like my books get dipped in chlorofoam just as I'm about to read.
       I also find it difficult to like one girl over an extended period of time i almost always lose the interest i had in the girl(and one girl i liked on and off friendzoned me :( more on that later). Basically i find it hard keeping my interests steady and some of my friends keep telling me its because i like to over-think stuff and all, I'm not sure i agree with them but i have decided that from now on things are going to be different, i'll try to pay more attention to my studies and try to stop the quick loss of interest in girls, no i need focus so for now no girls for me sef, as older people keep telling me the girls will chase me later when the money lands.

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