Tuesday 6 August 2013

School vs Home : The War Within

          OK whenever i'm in school and we have like two weeks left to go on a break i get kinda anxious to go home i start missing the luxuries of home like good food, long sleeping hours, great entertainment, freedom and all the other luxuries, and considering my school's rules(Covenant University) that number in their millions its always a great relief to get home where the long arm of the disciplinary committee can't get you. As the days go by time seems to stretch, minutes seem like hours and hours seem like days and when the night before we leave school finally arrives, i start to think about how my friends wouldn't be around and all and all the people i won't see while at home and i start to miss school a little, but immediately i leave the premises those feelings disappear and everything becomes neutral then after i get home things as still neutral for the first two weeks or so enjoying the perks of being home and all but after that period the boredom fully sets in, staying home all day most of the time and getting bored of the TV, and well for me most of my friends live in a different city so i miss hanging with them then i start missing school, then again when its about one week to resumption all the annoying parts of school flash in my mind and i don't want to go back . Finally when i reach school i feel excited to be with my friends again but after chatting about the vacation and most of us just saying how uneventful ours were, we run out of the bulk of things to talk about and you start realising how stressful the semester would be and you start missing the lazy lifestyle of home again, then when work starts proper thngs go back to being neutral and the cycle begins again.

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